January Energy

If I were to choose a word to describe the energy that January holds it would be the word "Adventure."

January is a month of new beginnings. The Bible and the Zodiac indicate that the beginning of the year starts in the beginning of Spring. The Bible starts off the year with the biblical feast of Pesach or Passover while the Zodiac starts it off with the sign of Aries, and yet our secular year begins in January.

All of our resolutions and goals for the year are in place. We have set our intentions on the things we want and yet we know that there are universal laws that are working with us, for us and around us. We understand that because these laws are in place not everything will turn out exactly as we want it. Some things will come to nothing, others will give us wonderful results and there are those things that will have a completely different outcome than we expected.

The adventure begins in January! The excitement of watching the year 2018 unfold right before our eyes is refreshing. In this book that is our life we just brought the last chapter to a close (2017) and we have begun to read a brand new one!

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A few days back my family and I were talking about how my mother, who is now 88 years old, has lived to see technology progress all the way from the phonograph to our current DVDs and everything created in between. Each year brings with it all kinds of innovations. These can be spiritual, educational, physical. technological, etc. Every person's life will be different in some way 12 months from now. To think that our current cellphones will be what our children will consider our generation's phonograph is mind blowing!

 At this very moment January is setting into action a myriad of synchronicities that will lead us to a fulfilment of our deepest desires. People and things are being put in places that are assessible to us. We need not fear because if we live trusting that all things really  do work together for our good than we can rest on the fact that the universe is on our side and that things can only get better.

 January reminds me of a Broadway show. The music begins, the curtains are rolled back, the actors are in place and the action begins. What role will we play this year? What adventures will we experience? I look forward in anticipation to find out and to share mine with you guys as life plays itself out before us.

 Beth Lopez
