The Zodiac and You

A few days back my friend and I were having some girl time and for entertainment we did some “girly” things. I flipped through the pages of some magazines while she painted her nails. When I got to the page with the astrological predictions I began to read the predictions for my sign and for hers. My friend stops painting her nails, looks up at me and says “You believe in that? I don’t believe in it because they never get my stuff right.”

I’m sure that my friend is not the only person who thinks this way and so I felt I should share my humble opinion on the matter to help and clear away some of the confusion.

 The reality is that each of us has a little bit of each of the signs of the zodiac in us. Some signs influence us more than others but they are all there scattered though out our birth chart and our personality.

The predictions that we read in the horoscopes that we find in newspapers and magazines are based on our sun sign. Our sun sign is determined by where the sun was positioned on the day we were born. Our sun sign can tell a lot about our personality but it is not he only thing that defines us as far as the stars and planets are concerned. There was a lot more going on in the sky on the blessed day of our birth.

We also have take into consideration what is called our moon sign. Our moon sign is determined by the position of the moon on the day we were born. Our moon sign reveals how we are at a deeper level. It’s who we are deep inside. Our thoughts, desires, spirituality and all that good stuff.

Our rising sign or ascendant is determined by which sign is “rising” in the horizon at the time of our birth. Our Ascendant reveals how people see us. It is like the first impression of the zodiac.

If we were a book our ascendant would be the cover. The catchy picture and title that everyone sees first and helps determine if the book is worth reading or not. Our sun sign would be the words that tell our personal story and our moon sign would be the untold story. The “behind the scenes” if you will.

This means that the predictions that astrologers make are based on our sun sign alone. This is only part of us. It is a general prediction based on the movements of the planet at the time that the prediction was written. It covers a small part of the whole which is US.

For a more detailed and accurate definitions and predictions it is best to meet with an astrologer who can make a birth chart using your date, time and place of birth. This will help them to look at not only your sun, moon and ascending signs but also which signs are in significant houses and what planets are in significant places. Birth charts are tailored to you and contain very detailed information.

In the meantime have fun reading your horoscope predictions but read it with an open mind. Take into consideration that the astrologer is not looking at all aspects of you. Take what is relevant to you and discard the rest.

Beth Lopez
