Synchronicities in My Life

One day as I was on my way to run some errands I found a green book in the lobby of our apartment building. The tilte of the book was "The Celestine Prophecy."  I found the title of the book so cathchy that I took it with me. Once I got home I set it down on a shelf along with a small pile of books that I wanted to read.

Some weeks later as I was watching a few You Tube videos I heard someone mention the book by its title. Hmmm.. I though, the title of that book sounds familiar I think I may have it. This was a quick thought which I immediately let go and proceeded to watch the rest of the videos.

Some time later I was looking through my Pinterest account and I found a picture of the green book with the catchy title. I pinned the picture to my account and wrote "On my to read list."

A few days later I was flipping through the pages of a magazine and I found a small article featuring  the same book and in the article the person was sharing how the book had changed their life.

Suddenly it dawned on me that I should definitely read this book. That God was trying to tell me something and that I was not listening. That this series of events could not just be coincidenses.
I finally read the green book with the catchy title and through it I understood how random events that seem to be unrelated are working together to lead us to a specific situation and that these are called Synchronicities. These synchronicities are working in our lives to help lead us in a specific path or direction. These things that we call concidences are the synchronicities that help shape the path that we should be walking in.

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It was not a coincidence that I continually found this book in articles, videos and other places. The same book that came into my life in a synchronistic way is the same book that taught me about synchronicities and how they were working in my life and shaping my future. It was through these synchronicities that I understood my calling to work as a Spiritual Life Coach and to help others find their own path.

It is up to us to keep our eyes open and to be open to God's guidance. Synchronicities are the signs that God sends us to help keep us in the right direction.
The Celestine Prophecy has taugh me the importance of synchronicities not only in theory but by experience making it a lesson I will never forget.
How did the book "The Celestine Prophecy" come into your life?

Bethania Lopez
