The 12 Universal Laws

Our universe is vast and complex and there are physical as well as spiritual laws that our Creator has set in place to govern the universe and those of us who live in it. These laws effect us in a positive or negative way depending on whether we obey them or ignore them.

These are the 12 Universal Laws:

1) The Law of Divine Oneness
We are all one. Everything whether human, animal, plant, mineral, etc. are all part of the One Source. This is why we are to “do unto others what we want others to do unto us” because when we hurt or bless another we are in fact doing it to ourselves. This is also why we are to take care of nature because in hurting nature we are also hurting ourselves.

2) The Law of Vibration
Everything that exists is energy and all energy vibrates. As some have said “we live in an ocean of motion.” Everything around us is in a constant state of vibration. This includes our own bodies and the bricks that make our houses. Matter is condensed energy.

3) The Law of Action
In order for us to see a desired result in a situation we must take specific actions. As it is written “Faith without works is dead.”

4) The Law of Correspondence
Everything we have here on earth we also have in heaven or “As Above So Below.” To every earthly thing that exists there exists also it’s spiritual counterpart.

5) The Law of Cause and Effect
Each action causes a reaction. Whatever we do will affect others and ourselves in a negative or positive way.

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6) The Law of Compensation
Whatever we do will have consequences. These consequences can be positive or negative depending on the source of our actions. We really do reap what we sow.

7)  The Law of Attraction
“Like attracts like.” This law is secondary to the The Law of Vibration. By the Law of Attraction we attract to ourselves that which is of the same vibrational level. The higher the vibration the more positive it is, the lower the vibration the more negative it is. For this reason we must continually work on keeping our vibration high so that we can attract only positive things into our lives.

8) The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Everything is energy and energy cannot be destroyed it can only be transmuted or transformed into something different. Our spirit is energy therefore when our body stops working (we die) our spirit cannot be destroyed it is transmuted into something else or returns to the Source of all energy.

9) The Law of Relativity
Everything that happens is relative to something else that is happening. For example I say that I am a rich person, this statement is true or false depending on what we related to. True, I am rich in comparison to a homeless and starving person but the same statement is false in comparison to the President of the US.  The situation that we may be going through is not so bad when we understand that someone is worse of than we are. It’s all relative.

10) The Law of Polarity
There is opposition in all things. There is light and there is darkness, there is rich and there is poor, there is hot and there is cold. To everything there is an opposite and it’s all part of life.

11) The Law of Rhythm
This law states that everything in life has a rhythm. What goes up must come down, spring must follow winter, day must follow nigh the old saying goes “What comes around goes around, and what goes up must come down.”
To everything there is a season 

12) The Law of Gender
In everything there is both a feminine and masculine side. The Yang and Yang. In all of Nature there is a masculine and feminine aspect. It is in our best interest to find the balance between the two.

Bethania Lopez
