On Generosity

On Generosity

It’s that time of year again... you know... that time. The time of giving. You hear this in songs, in TV shows, and even in conversations at the coffee next to ours. It’s the most wonderful time of the year... right?

Well... let’s take a second look at this.  Yes... I agree... December is most definitely the month of giving, but according to the universal laws set in place by the Creator of the Universe everyday is the right season for giving. 

According to “The Law of Giving and Receiving” we must give in order to receive. The resources that the universe has for us are limitless and constantly flowing. When we try to hoard or retain our money we are actually stopping the natural flowing process. When we stop the flow we stop the money from going out but we also stop the money from flowing in. 

Think of what happens to water when it stops flowing and remains in one place. If it is covered, after a while it begins to stink and becomes useless... Yuck! If is is not covered, in time it evaporates... Puff! Just like that. Money like healthy, clean water must be kept flowing freely. The way to keep money flowing into our lives is to be generous.

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The rich know that being generous is a great habit to have throughout their whole life. They understand this universal law and donate thousands of dollars to charities and causes continuously. They are aware that through generosity, when we give to others. we keep money flowing from us and to us. 

Here are 4 ways that we can keep our money flowing freely:

  1. Give tips. Being generous to those people who are serving us. The cab driver that drove us to  mom’s house last weekend, the waitress that served our lunch this afternoon and/or the barista that prepared our favorite cup of coffee this morning. These people are helping through their service. Let us show gratitude through our generosity.
  2. Give to charity. No matter how bad our situation may be there are those who are less fortunate than you and me. Let us be generous and help increase the vibration of this universe through our generosity. 
  3. Give loose change to the person asking for money down the street. I know what you are thinking... but s/he will only use it for alcohol or drugs. The truth is we don’t know that for a fact. That person may actually use the quarter we put in their cup for food or a hot cup of coffee to keep themselves warm during these cold winter days. Whatever the case may be I know I rather err in the side of helping and not on the side of judging unfairly..
  4. Donate the clothes that are in good condition but that we no longer use to charity or directly to someone we know needs it. Let's clean out our closet, help someone and in the process make space for the new clothes that will soon flow in.

By the Law of Giving and Receiving our generosity will not only help others but it will also help raise our vibration and the collective vibration of the universe. By helping the universe's resources flow freely and understand that what we give out will return to us. This is why it’s better for us to give than to receive because when we don't give we stop the natural free flow of resources. My mother always told me " He who gives to the needy lends to God and God always pays back with interest"

Bethania Lopez
