On Blessings and Curses

I have a friend who, during a previous relationship had an argument with her partner. The last words that she shouted as her partner was leaving their home were “I hope you get hit by a truck.” A few minutes  later while crossing the street a truck did almost hit him. Thank God that her partner (and my friend) was not injured but needless to say that neither he nor she have ever forgotten that incident or how powerful our words coupled with intentions can be. Such is the power of manifesting wether it be for blessing or for cursing.

It is very important that we be mindful of the things we think and/or say in regards to other people. As the old saying goes “be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.”

I have given much council on the power of our thoughts and intentions when it comes to dealing with our loved ones. I always advice that if we want to see positive changes in someone that we love it is best to bless them continually. It is best to send positive yet powerful blessings instead of constantly arguing or sending angry thoughts their way. Blessings can cause positive changes in our loved one’s lives and negative thoughts (or curses) can cause negative changes which will hurt them and in the process hurt us as well.

If you want to see positive changes in a loved one here are some suggestions:

  1. Whenever you think about the person you want to see changes in send them blessings and well wishes.
  2. Take something that belongs to the person you want to see change (it can be clothing, jewelry etc.) and bless it often.
  3. If the person lives with you bless their bed, closet & clothing and/or room in general.
  4. Visualize the person in the way that you want to see them  knowing that changes are taking place in their life.
  5. Bless the water they are going to drink. We know that water retains memory and if we bless their drinking water they will drink blessings unto themselves.
  6. Keep a gratitude journal of all the things you are grateful for when it comes to your loved one.
  7. Every so often send them a written blessing in a text, birthday or holiday card, etc...

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Now some of you may be wondering if by following  these suggestions you are trying to override that persons free will and the answer is no. You are not going over nor ignoring the persons free will because they always have a right to choose whatever they desire. What you are doing through blessings is opening doors that otherwise may never be opened so that they may have more options to choose from. Through your blessings a chain of events will begin to unfold to help your loved one see their true path and other ways in which they can get there. 

Blessings can never go wrong because as it is written “All things work together for your good.” 

Blessings are not wasted words, they are powerful and effective. Just as my friends negative words almost ended her partners life in the same way our positive words can bring abundant life to our loved ones. 

The laws of manifestation are set in place and they are working regardless of wether we believe in them or not. We are constantly using them intentionally or unintentionally. It is in our power to use wisdom and use these laws effectively if we so desire.

Have you ever had an experience in which your words have manifested quickly in a positive or negative way?

Bethania Lopez
