Why The Alchemist's Way?

Today's blog is in response to the many people who have asked me why I have chosen to name my page "The Alchemist’s Way." Rather than answer each individual separately I thought it best to write a blog that will help everyone understand what this page is all about.

Alchemy is a pseudoscience. It is the precursor to Chemistry but it is an art not an actual science. There are many types of alchemies to work with but to give a general idea we will divide it into two categories.
1) Physical Alchemy

Physical Alchemy is the process in which a base metal is converted into a refined metal. Through many alchemical formulas the alchemist destroys the object and then continues to recreate it only this time the product is more refined. All these formulas are wonderful to know but my passion is the second category.

2) Spiritual Alchemy.
In spiritual alchemy we ourselves are the base metal and we put ourselves through the process of refining ourselves. Through different spiritual practices we bring ourselves to shine as the purest and most refined gold.

Each person must follow their own spiritual path because each person is unique and has an individual relationship with his/her creator. I am not here to judge anyone’s path but merely to inform.

Through my blogs I help guide each reader and help them find ways in which to become the best version of themselves. I answer questions and help clarify ideas.

Through individual coaching I help each client formulate a plan that will help shift their paradigms, increase their vibrations and help them manifest the life that they are desiring and that God has intended for them to live.

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Spiritual Alchemy as a lifestyle is recreating yourself on a daily basis. This process of refinement will look different to a person that follows one religious path compared to a person that follows a different religious path and all the other paths in between. The point here is not to judge which religious path is the “right one” but rather learning how we can come closer to our creator and live as the best version of ourselves that we can be.

The Alchemist’s way is about becoming that light that shines in darkness. Its about not only being the light that helps us see clearly the path that we ourselves are walking but also to clarify the path that others are walking.

Just as the alchemist who takes an actual base metal, destroys it and recreates it as a refined product we too must take our most base human nature, destroy it and recreate it as most refined product such is The Alchemist’s Way.

Beth Lopez
