To Colds and To A New Year!

Here's to a New Year and an Old Cold! Yup! That's where I'm at right this minute. Trying to get passed the headache and stuffiness and to tap into my intuition. It's very hard to get a feel for anything spiritual when all I can feel is physical pain and discomfort. Hard yes... Impossible no! Interestingly enough the best time to open up spiritually is when our bodies shut down physically. When our mind and body stop doing, our spirit starts creating.

In this fast paced world in which we are always running to do one thing or another it seems we run and run but never get anywhere. There is always one more bill to pay and one more errand to run. Many times it feels as if we are running on auto pilot and we go about doing things mindlessly because we believe it is what we have to do. At this point our bodies decide to go on strike and we realize that we DON'T  have to do anything, that it is and always has been our choice to do it or not. The office,, the trains, the post office... EVERYTHING... continues to work with or without us.

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Our bodies crash so that our internal GPS will turn on and "recalculate" forcing us to take a close look at our choice of going forward or changing directions. Our spirit knows exactly what we need but sometimes we get so caught up in the life's traffic that we loose our sense of direction. We either end up getting stuck in traffic unable to move or get lost on long roads that keep us going in circles. Somehow our mind gets used to feeling lost and BAM! Our spirit gives it a wake up call.

Ironically my recent wake up call came in the form of a cold that had me sleepig for the first two days of the new year. Somehow in my Tylenol induced coma I found the focus and the energy that I needed to "recalculate" and start off a kick-ass 2018 full of new projects and goals. All of which I look forward to sharing with you all. 

Cheers to a two days late start... HAPPY 2018!!!!

Beth Lopez
