Office Chairs and the Law of Attraction

A few years ago, I was in need of a nice comfy office chair so that I would be able to write and study for long periods of time without getting too tired. It was during the time when I had returned to school and I found myself sitting before my computer for hours and hours. At that time, I had my desk to work on but I was using a kitchen chair to sit on and it was very uncomfortable.

One morning I woke up exhausted because I had spent most of the night writing. I told my husband that I really needed a more comfortable chair as soon as possible.

He reminded me that our son had an office chair in his room and that maybe he could lend me his if he wasn’t using it. I called him and asked him but he told me that he used his chair often because of his own school work.

Well we dropped the subject, I moved on to do other things and my husband went to work. I released the situation to God but I knew that I was going to receive my chair so that I could finish my work and meet my deadlines. I didn’t know how or when exactly but I knew that I wouldn’t have to wait too long.

The day before, we had received a package that belonged to someone who lived in a different apartment in our same building and before he went to work my husband decided to go and take the package to its owner.

My husband knocked on our neighbor’s door and our neighbor opened and received his package. Just as my husband was about to leave, our neighbor asked my husband if he knew anyone who needed a leather office chair! It was brand new! It still had its price ticket, plastic and everything!!!

My husband said yes quietly but inside he was jumping with excitement!

Fifteen minutes after we just had a conversation about me needing a chair, my husband strolls in with precisely what I needed! My husband calls it coincidence but I don’t believe in coincidences. I understand that it was the Law of Attraction at work.  

And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.”
Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 21:22)

Through the Law of Attraction God brought into my life the brand new, comfortable, beautiful, office chair that I needed.

Beth Lopez
