Mind Your Thoughts

A few days ago my family and I were listening to music and spending some quality time together. A song came on and the chorus of the song was “you’ve got me suicidal.” I don’t actually know the name of the song or the performer nor am I going to take the time to find out. The only reason why I am mentioning this is because four days after listening to the song I cannot take the chorus out of my head. It continues to repeat over and over in my mind. I have been doing a focused effort to override these words with positive affirmations and other songs but so far it has been very hard to do so.

If the song is nice and the music is pretty then why is it so important for me to get this song out of my head?
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Well… You see… If we understand the Universal Laws we will understand that thoughts are energy and that this energy has the power to manifest things in our life.
As a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be.
-King Salomon
The more I think on the negative words of the song the more I will manifest death in my life. Now death does not necessarily have to be physical (although it can.) Other manifestations can be the death of relationships, ideas, my spiritual life, etc.

Our focus should always be positive. This is why what we see and/or hear is so important. Whatever we focus on is what we will manifest in our lives. The more positive our thoughts are the more positive things will we see manifesting in our lives.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things

-Saul of Tarsus

This is why affirmations are so helpful because they help shift our negative thinking towards thoughts that are positive. In my specific case I must strive to think of life giving words because they will help to bring life energy into every aspect of my daily living. My relationships, financial income, health and efforts all alive a thriving. Positive thinking should be a reflex something that we do without putting forth effort. The more we surround ourselves with positive energy the more we will give out positive energy. This positive energy will raise our frequency to the frequency of those things we want to manifest in our lives.

As spiritual alchemists we must take every negative thought, destroy it and recreate it into positive thoughts that will be more valuable to us than the most precious of metals.

Bethania Lopez
