Be True To Yourself

One of the first things I do when I give an Astrology Reading is that I explain that there are many factors that influence our lives astrologically speaking.
There’s our Sun Sign which influences our personality and how we react to everyone and everything around us.

There’s our Moon Sign which influences our way of thinking and assessing things at a much deeper level. The way we internalize information.
There’s also our Rising Sign which influences how we present ourselves to the world. It is how the world perceives us.

More often than not we are behaving under the influence of our Rising Sign. We have this image that we want to portray to the world. All this time we are hiding our true self and negating our authenticity.

Many of us try so hard to fit into other people’s standards that we begin to deny our true self. This should not be so.

Its time for us to be the person that we truly want to be, that we follow our dreams and that we look within ourselves to find the path that we need to walk instead of looking without to see what other people have to say about us.
We need to be true to ourselves and seek ways of feeling comfortable in our skin. Its time for us to free ourselves from the identity that society wants to impose on us and live the life that we were meant to live.

Many people come to me and tell me that they want to do this or work on that but that they don’t dare do it because of what others will think of them. They are afraid of being judged and loosing friendships. They feel as if they are living a life that does not belong to them. First I share with them the importance of being true to yourself, your wants and your beliefs and then we start to explore what being true to themselves means.
I encourage you to do the same. Explore what “Reclaiming Your Authenticity“ means to you. Start working towards being true to yourself. This may mean changing jobs, loosing friends and/or going back to school. It may mean many things but best of all it will mean that you find the path that truly makes you happy.

Beth Lopez
