Acting As If

I am sure many of you have heard the phrase "fake it till you make it." What many of you might not have heard is that although this sounds like child’s play it is actually one of the most important keys to attracting what you want.

As we all know everything is energy and whatever energy we send out is the same energy that we will attract. When we act as if we already have that which we desire what we are doing is putting out that energy that will bring us our desired outcome.

For example if we want to attract wealth and abundance we should act as if we already live in wealth and abundance because as we do this we are putting out that energy of wealth which in turn will attract more energy of wealth.

When I say that we are to act as if we are already wealthy I am not saying that we should be reckless with our money because that is not what wealthy people do.

What I am saying is that we should have a mindset of abundance and not worry about not having money. The more we worry about the lack of money the more we attract lack. We should remind ourselves daily that there are more than enough resources out there for everyone including us and that if we set our intentions to making money the right opportunities will manifest in our lives to help us get that money. In the mean time we can go about doing the things wealthy people do.

1) Be generous- Give tips to those who do a service for you.

2) Dress for success- Don’t wait until you have the job to dress well. Dress as if you already have the job of your dreams.

3) Wake up early- Waking up early will help you to do all the things you need to do in time and will help to keep you organized.

4) Keep your home organized and clean- If there is one thing wealthy people are known for is for their beautiful homes.

6) Eat healthy- A healthy body and a healthy mind will always keep you sharp and ready for the right opportunity and the next task.

7) Take up a hobby- A hobby will help to keep you distracted and not thinking about not having money.

The key to attracting the things that you want is to put your focus on how you feel because you have them instead of how you feel because you don’t. Acting as if you already have it will help you to feel those emotions that will push your desire from a dream to a reality.

Think of that thing that you want to manifest money, love, success or health. What would a person that has these things do? Where would they go? How would they act? Begin to do those things and by the law of “like attracts like” you will attract more of the same opportunities into your life. You will begin to see synchronistic events unfold in your life that will lead you to that job, person or thing you need in order to manifest. Remember to be consistent and persistent and you will see your dreams come true.

Bethania Lopez
