Manifesting Money Making Opportunities

Money is awesome! Who doesn’t want more of it? Jumping up with both hands in the air... me, me, meeee!!!

As we all know work is a very important part of our lives. Not only does it bring in the #money with which we provide for ourselves but it also helps us to  express ourselves through talents and use the creative part of our brain. There are so many things that we like to do and we do it for #fun and for #free! The reality is that we can be having fun and making #extramoney in the process.
My friend Jessie enjoys going to birthday parties and playing with children. Since she enjoys herself through these activities she decided to make some extra money while having fun. She invested in a clown costume and now she attends the birthday parties she was going to attend anyways and makes money entertaining the children as a Birthday Party Clown.
There are many other ways and many other things that you can do to make extra money. Here are a just a few:

1. Translating- Translators are needed online and in person.
2. Blogging- Share your thoughts with the world. If you get enough traffic in your blogging page businesses will pay you to allow them to place their ads on your page.
3. Decorating- Decorate for birthday parties, weddings etc.
4. Organizing- Many people are willing to pay for help with organizing their homes, closets etc.

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5. Babysitting- Always in high demand!
6. Cleaning- Many people, new mothers and the elderly are willing to pay for the extra help.
7. Baking- There is always a party going on somewhere that needs a cake.
8. Dog walking- If you are going to walk your dog anyway why not bring a companion... or three and get paid for it.
9. Photography- Take in the sites, take a few pics and take in the money by selling the pics.
10. Free Lance Writing - Speak your mind and sell an article or two.

Take a little time to sit and think about the things you enjoy doing and how you can make money with these activities. Doing the things you enjoy will not only help you live in a more positive way but it will help fill up your wallet in the process. You can make money and enjoy yourself.
-Bethania Lopez
