Get Money Flowing From Different Sources

When it comes to manifesting money I think we can all agree that the more money, the better! Right? Right! This thought brings me to today’s tip of the day.

Have multiple sources of income.

Many people work hard and #work many long hours because they live with the fear of “what if’s.” What if I loose my job? What if I can no longer work? These fears stem from the fact that they depend on just one source of income. Their job. Their reality is that if they loose their job they will have no income whatsoever... Nothing, Zip , Nada!

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Living this way can and does put them under major stress and anxiety. This is why I suggest finding ways in which to bring income from various other sources.  Find ways in which you don’t have to depend only on the income your current job provides. With a little #imagination and planning you can find more ways to make money flow your way.

Here are just a few ideas:

1. Hobbies- As I’ve mentioned before make money while doing the things you love. Make money through free lance writing, painting, organizing, cleaning etc
2. Invest- Make your money work for you. Set aside some money which you can invest on “safe” stock. Start to read and learn about investment. Go ahead... make it your new hobby.
3. Online Selling- There are many well known companies that when you work for them they give you your own online store. Companies such as Avon, MaryKay, Stanley, etc. Once you start working for them your only job is to seek new costumers and promote your website. Costumers will buy from your website and the money you earn can go directly to your account.
4. Sell on E-bay or Amazon- Do you have things you no longer want but are in excellent conditions? Sell them on E-bay or Amazon. Remember that your trash is actually someone else’s treasure.
5. Pet sit- Many pet lovers don’t have anyone to look after their “baby” while they are away. Let pet lovers know that you are willing to pet sit for them.
6. Rent a room-  If you have an empty room in your home which you don’t use except for collecting dust, say no more. Find a someone that is reliable and trusting and rent it out.
7. Teach a class- Is there a specific subject that you are really good at? Do you know a second language? Many people are willing to pay to learn what you know.
8. Tutor someone- Many parents are willing to pay to have their children tutored.
9. Give others a makeover- Ladies... if you love make up and using it than get into a great line of products (preferably from your own e-store) and give makeovers to brides to be and to quinceaƱeras. It will be like playing “Barbie” and getting payed for it.
10. Do piercings- It seems these days everyone wants to pierce some part of their bodies. Choose a part you are comfortable with and let your friends know you are doing piercings.

Start making extra money today. Choose one or several of these ideas and live a more abundant and peaceful life.

-Bethania Lopez
